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agape temple SDA church

To be transformed by the love of God, so that we can love others as God loves us!

To reach out to the un-churched. To intentionally love everyone who comes through our doors to worship and to encourage each other as we grow in Christ and prepare for His second coming.

Seventh day adventist

Our Name
“Seventh-day” refers to our belief in the Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday).
“Adventist” refers to our belief in the second advent or the literal second-coming of Jesus.

We base our faith in God on the revelation of His character by His Son, Jesus, as shown in the Bible, the inspired Word of God.

Faith is placing complete trust in God and accepting His offer of salvation.

The Gospel
The heart of our message is God’s good news of salvation. Jesus’ death on the cross provides God’s free gift of eternal life to all those who accept and follow Him. 

The Sabbath
On the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) we are invited to come together to worship God, our Creator and Saviour.

The Second Advent
Although we do not set a date for this event, we do look forward to the glorious return of Jesus Christ as He promised He would.

Agape temple seventh day adventist church


We operate one of the largest educational systems in the world. Our worldwide system provides elementary, secondary, and higher education programs including graduate and post graduate as well as medical arts.In Canada, we operate 46 schools (K-12) with over 3300 students and more than 290 teachers. Among these are Parkview Adventist Academy (grades 10-12) in Alberta, and Kingsway College (grades 9-12) in Ontario, both providing boarding facilities and a work study program. Canadian University College, located in Alberta, offers accredited under-graduate degrees and certificated programs in a number of disciplines.

Community Aid
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) provides practical assistance to the disadvantaged in many countries of the world, without regard for race, religion or nationality. ADRA Canada also responds with needed assistance in times of national disasters as in the 1998 ice-storm that devastated Eastern Ontario and Quebec.

Many local churches operate Community Centers that provide food and clothing to those in need. Family life counselling and other programs are also offered to assist those wishing to overcome drug addiction and alcohol or tobacco dependence.


Quality of Life
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America seeks to enhance the quality of life, both for its members and for those not part of its fellowship. “Quality of Life” is a concept that pervades Seventh-day Adventist belief. Adventists teach that no act, word or deed is too small to be transformed by the grace of God. Adventists believe that God is concerned with the quality of human life. Everything–the way we live, think, speak, eat, care for our bodies, treat each other, and care for the world around us–is part of God’s design and plan for improved quality of life. 

Nothing about the quality of our lives escapes our Father’s attention or care. The fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church come from our understanding of the grace of Christ and directly address the general theme of quality of life.